Literature 3321 T/R Chapter four is a very interesting chapter. It explains further what we have learned about children's interest in reading.Most children want to read stories that not only interest them, ,but that they can identify with. The book gives some good suggestions like Professor Pickett made about how to select books that your children will read.I think the chart on pgs. 64 and 65 will be a good guide. It is important to find books that are of the appropriate levels of development,so as not to discourage or frustrate young readers.The chart on p 68 and69 is a guide for older children with choices of age appropriate selections.P 70 covers Middle School, students and age appropriate books, with expected levels. The chapter also covers the types of books that boys and girls read. The chapter further explained that more books are read by both boys and girls. The chapter mentioned that alot of the books read by books are also read by girls. This is not the same for boys reading books girls read.When I am a teacher I'm going to try to read alot of books so that I can be filled with excitement about the books.According to the chapter,young readers,especially adolescent girls are influenced by their peers in their reading selections.The reason why I want to be well read is because my being excited about the books can help encourage them to have a sense of expectation about the books they may not have if I give a reading assignment and I don't sound enthusiastic about it. Another rule I'm going to abide by is to research the cultures of my students. I'm going to strive to get all the books I can to appease all of the different cultures represented. The text made mention that children relate to books based on their culture.I would like to have a class full of aesthetic readers. I myself have rarely read for enjoyment. I guess I'm kind of envious of my friends who do have that luxury. I know that if my students enjoy reading I know it will be easier for them to succeed. After all reading,fluently,and with comprehension is the gateway to all learning and success in education.One example in mind is the research that was done with the Alaskan native children. Not everything we deem natural is natural to everyone. We have to, as educators be in touch with the culures and back grounds of our students. W then can scaffold them with new information on a basis of what they are culturally familiar with. I also have to remember how literature affects everyone in different ways according to their past experiences. On a ersonal note. I remember reading Charlotte's Web by E. B.White. I couldn't stand the idea of Wlber being killed just because he was the runt of the group. While I reacted that way and made it seem like in my mind that Wilber was human'I'm sure alot of people who were raised on a farm or hunting probably didn't see the big deal at first. It all goes back to culture and past experiences.One of the things that I am excited about as an option is using Drama to futher explore the ideas of a book that we'e reading. I think that will be fun and it might help to engage the students who may not enjoy reading as much as others.