Tuesday, November 24, 2009

EDRG 3321 TR

Today we got to do our genre presentation.. I really hope everyone enjoyed it and I hope that everyone was able to connect with it on some level.I'm so glad that the days of just doing papers is history.I hope that my time at Texas A & M will be enriched with innovative and out of the box thinking professors. It really does make our learning more fun and it causes us to remember what we learn.I think it's really neat how each person in the different group gets the chance to contribute their vision and how everything can work together to support one central theme. I really did enjoy working with my partners throughout the semester. Come to find out everybody in our group is very talented at drawing.Myself on the other hand, well I couldn't draw flies LOL. So I appreciate everyone being gracious and allowing me to share my passion for singing.I am going to post a few books on this blog just for some suggested reading. I will go ahead and try to include our anthology, if there are no copyrights involved if not I will give Katherine Patterson's website.I was surprised when I saw the number of books this woman has written.I am going to add her website so that anyone who would like to explore some of her works can
Here is one of the websites that shows a video and her books.http://www.readingrockets.org/books/interviews/paterson I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. God Bless You. Good Night.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Books by Elise Broach

This week is Thanksgiving week and the kids are at home and already bored. I need to go to the library and pick up some books for them. I was looking through some children's authors and came upon Elise Broach She has one cute looking book called when Dinosaurs came with everything. I am going to try to put the picture of the book on the blog.Ok Maybe that isn't such agood idea. I will do this instead, She also has a book called when Dinosaurs lived in my back yard. I will copy and paste the web address for all who are interested. I think I might go get these two for my 5 year old.http://www.multcolib.org/summer/kids/covers/whendinos.jpg
Happy Thanksgiving!