Friday, September 24, 2010

Am I a good reader?

The question is kind of a loaded one... I guess I have the potential to be a good reader,the only problem is that I have not yet quite exercised it. The potential I mean. It is definitely something I would like to be but I think life has kind of prevented me from it. Picture (if you will) yours truly sitting in a quiet room with no noise and no one. The minute I pick up a book whether for assignment's sake or just a leisurely read. The door flies open and I am suddenly bombarded by: Mom Can I? Mom He did this, Mom can I have? and My all time favorite Mom He wont stop touching me! Ha HA I know it sounds comical but unfortunately after all of that occurs, I find that I put the book down and am now so distracted, I don't pick it up again. I guess what I'm going to have to do is only read when my kids are miles away otherwise it seems like a moot point. I end up more frustrated and forget what I have attempted to read in the first place. On the other hand, sometimes I am just too wound up on life. I have a lot of concerns just like any other red blooded human being. The unfortunate part is that I allow all of the day to day stuff interfere with My reading performance. Now this is not to say that I don't ever read, I guess what I am trying to convey is that when I do read, rarely do I allow myself to enjoy it.I decided when I was in Mrs. Pickett's class that I am going to develop at least a like for reading. I guess I've accomplished that much, but I don't think I'll ever be able to love to read. I do however love to act and I' am going to try to put on the best performance for my students, so that they will be able to develop a love for reading, that has seemed to have eluded me.

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